Independent Study Project

We wanted to provide all the information needed to be successful for the Independent Study Project due January 8th! 

 For the past few weeks, we have been learning the steps of the research process and taken notes in our Writing Journals. We have been practicing our poem "Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears" by Williams Shakespeare from Julius Caesar spoken by Marc AntonyNow that we've learned the research steps, we will have begun practicing the Three-Point Paragraphs your student will be expected to write as a part of the Independent Study Project. We have begun with a simple example of a three-point paragraph on our favorite colors and learning the job of each sentence in the paragraph. 

We visited the school library where students should have a book to use for their paragraph and resource for their topic. 

Digital Resources 
Part I: Written Paper and Presentation- 
Please see the attached copy of:
The Independent Study Project 
Teacher Copy of Research Step Notes 
*Teacher copies of the example outline and the three-point paragraph will be written in Grammar Notebook
Recommended Research Sites:
Part III: Poem- 
Digital Copy of  "Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears" by Williams Shakespeare from Julius Caesar spoken by Marc Antony
Example Performance of "Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears" by Williams Shakespeare from Julius Caesar spoken by Marc Antony

First Week of School

Independent Study Project

We wanted to provide all the information needed to be successful for the Independent Study Project due January 8th!    For the past few week...