Independent Study Project

We wanted to provide all the information needed to be successful for the Independent Study Project due January 8th! 

 For the past few weeks, we have been learning the steps of the research process and taken notes in our Writing Journals. We have been practicing our poem "Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears" by Williams Shakespeare from Julius Caesar spoken by Marc AntonyNow that we've learned the research steps, we will have begun practicing the Three-Point Paragraphs your student will be expected to write as a part of the Independent Study Project. We have begun with a simple example of a three-point paragraph on our favorite colors and learning the job of each sentence in the paragraph. 

We visited the school library where students should have a book to use for their paragraph and resource for their topic. 

Digital Resources 
Part I: Written Paper and Presentation- 
Please see the attached copy of:
The Independent Study Project 
Teacher Copy of Research Step Notes 
*Teacher copies of the example outline and the three-point paragraph will be written in Grammar Notebook
Recommended Research Sites:
Part III: Poem- 
Digital Copy of  "Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears" by Williams Shakespeare from Julius Caesar spoken by Marc Antony
Example Performance of "Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears" by Williams Shakespeare from Julius Caesar spoken by Marc Antony

Quarter 2 Week 8


It is the Last Week before Winter Break!

Announcements & Dates to Remember:

  • It is Spirit Week this Week! Mon. Crazy Sock Day, Tues. Hat Day, Wed. College Shirt Day, Thurs. Tie/Bow Day, Fri. GHNO Spirit Day
  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Celebration is Thursday, December 14th, bring supplies to your teacher if you signed up to bring supplies.
  • Winter Break December 16-January 8, make sure to work on the Independent Study Project slowly throughout the break.
  • Reading log Due Friday before break!

Here is what we will be up to in our subjects this week: 

Math: Quiz on Friday 

We are continuing to use multiplication to solve word problems using the ABE strategy.

A-Answer sentence

B-Bar model


Math homework: workbook pages each night along with Rocket Math.

Science: The Big Question is homework if not completed in class

In Science we are learning about habitats and changes! We read together in our Core Knowledge science books and are working on answering the chapter's "big question" in complete sentences. This is a way that we practice our writing skills and the skill of being attentive readers.

History: The Big Question is homework if not completed in class

We are continuing to learn about Ancient Rome! We complete a "big question" which summarizes our learning over the reading. They are learning to write diligently and restating the question in our answer.

The Independent Study Project is fully explained & explored and ready for you scholar to begin working on! Your teachers are excited to see the amazing student work!

Grammar: Wednesday night Home Connection 

In Grammar, we are beginning learning about research which will help guide them for the Independent Study Project. There are models of everything that is required for the project inside their Grammar Notebook. All the content and elements have been discussed together in class.  

For Grammar homework, you will have a home connection worksheet this week. Use the purple Grammar notebook to support your scholar's memory and sharing of learning. 


In Writing, we are working on writing in complete sentences and putting together three-point paragraphs. 

Literature: Seminar Wednesday, Test Friday

In Literature, we are seminaring over The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe this Wednesday. We will continue to look for figurative language and virtues as we read. 

Students received a Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Study guide to use to prepare for their test this Friday, December 15th. 

Spalding: 30 Word Test Friday

We are having a 30 word week. 

Homework: Make sure your scholar writes one time with rules and markings and one time with just the words. This should be dictated out loud similar to how the test will be on Fridays.

Reading/Keyboarding: Reading Log, make sure they are reading out loud

During Reading class, students read independently or in small groups with the teachers, or we read together a chapter of our Language Arts books. 

*** Practice Reading! Just like football, soccer, or any instrument, practice makes progress! Use this 20 minutes of reading as a time to for your scholar to practice their reading skills. They can only get better through practice and guidance. The Read-Aloud logs are due each Monday for a grade.  

Remind your scholar to silently stand for the music concert and work with excellence in all they do!

Thank you for reading! 

With wonder for our world and love for your students, 

The Third-Grade team

First Week of School

Independent Study Project

We wanted to provide all the information needed to be successful for the Independent Study Project due January 8th!    For the past few week...